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We invite you to read about some of the latest news, press developments and events involving Demsorean, Popescu, Dinu & Asociatii. A listing of press releases, press mentions, publications and awards and rankings can be found in the list below.


"Democratic Rule of Law" – Routledge, May 2008.

"Evaluation of home and justice affairs in Romania in a broader EU accession context" – Stanford University, 2007.

"Evaluating Report on Romanian Government's anticorruption policies" – Freedom House Inc.,  Romanian Country Report, 2005.

"Risks in agriculture activities" - Ways of risk cover in agriculture – the insurance. Ministerul Educaţiei şi cercetării, Universitatea din Craiova Facultatea de Agricultura, 2005.

Aquis-ul comunitar cu privire la comerţul exterior cu produse agroalimentare.” “Sistemul asigurărilor agricole în România”Simpozionul Naţional cu participare internaţională "Perspective ale restructurării şi relansării agriculturii în competiţia pentru integrarea în Uniunea Europeană", Bucuresti, 2005

“Evaluation de la politique neerlandaise en matière de l'adhésion des pays de l'Europe centrale à l'Union Europeenne 1997-2003, Une politique de l'Europe étendue.” – Dutch Governmental Report, 2005

"Dreptul penal al muncii”, Ed. Naţional, Bucureşti, 2005

“Elemente de drept penal”, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, 2008


Participants at the International Seminary „Civil Servant’s Guide to the Council of Europe” of the European Commission for Democracy Through Law, Strasbourg, 2004

Participants at the International Conference „European Administration: Concepts and contemporary approach”, organized by The Deputy Chamber, Palace of Parliament, 2005

Participants at the International Conference „European Integration – Realty and Perspective”, University Danubius, Galaţi, 2007

Participants at the scientific symposium „Rolul avocatului în înfăptuirea actului de justiţie”, Baroul Galaţi, 2008